Goliath 5.13.21


Goliath 5.13.21

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

3 Power Clean + 1 Jerk @65%

3 Power Clean + 1 Jerk @67%

3 Power Clean + 1 Jerk @69%

3×3 Power Clean + 1 Jerk @74%
This is 3 Power Cleans into whatever jerk you typically use.

These are NOT touch and go reps. reset on each clean

Metcon (Time)

For Time With a Partner

Buy In: 50 Burpees


4 Rounds

32 Synchro DB Step Back Lunges (50/35)

28 Cal Row

32 Wallballs (20/14)

28 Cal Bike

Cash Out: 50 Burpees

25 min cap
Synchro being that your knee hits the ground at the same time

hold the DB however you like

Synchro Lunge- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdhu772tdR4