Goliath 3.9.21


Goliath 3.9.21

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit


3 Rounds

10 Box Jumps w/step down

10 Snatch Grip RDL

10 Alt Leg V-ups

10 Up Downs


2 Rounds With an Empty Barbell

3 Hang Muscle Snatch

3 Snatch Balance

3 Overhead Squat

3 Snatches


3 Sets

2-2-1 reps

Set 1: 60-65-70%

Set 2: 65-70-75%

Set 3: 70-75-80%

*No rest between reps

Rest 2 min between sets

Percentages based off of your 1RM squat snatch

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)


1) 3 Snatches (155/105)

2) 10-15 Box Jumps (24/20)

3) 10-15 Toes to Bar

4) 10-15 Burpees to Target

5) Rest

Score = Rounds Within Completed Rx Rep Range
L3: (135/95) (Lower Reps on Other Movements, But Rx Movements)

L2: (115/75) (20/14) (Straight Legged Raise) (45 sec Burpees to Target)