Goliath 3.8.21


Goliath 3.8.21

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit


1 min couch stretch each side

2 min squat hold



15/10 cal row

10 scorpion strech

10 DB suitcase deadlifts

10 DB strict press each side

10 DB goblet squat


3 Rounds


50ft Dual KB Overhead Carry

10 Dual KB Bent Over Row

*rest :90 between rounds

*select a heavy/challenging load for the overhead carry


3 Rounds


15 Empty Barbell Bicep Curls

30 Banded Pull Aparts OR 30 Straight Arm Banded Pushdowns

*rest :90 between sets

*select a light/moderate weight to complete bicep curls unbroken

*select a light resistance band for the pull aparts

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

6 rounds

2 min window

21/15 cal row


Round 1 & 4:

Max Alternating DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)

Round 2 & 5:

Max Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)

Round 3 & 6:

Max DB Front Squat (50/35)

Rest 1 min after each round

Score= Total Reps Each Movement

3 Different Scores

(17 total min)
So it goes

2 rounds

21/15 cal row

max alt DB hang clean and jerk

rest 1 min

21/15 cal row

max alt DB snatch

rest 1 min

21/15 cal row

max DB front squat

rest 1 min

Score for box one is total Hand clean and jerks

Score for box two is total dumbbell snatch

Score for box three is total front squats