Goliath 8.12


Goliath 8.12

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

500m Row

Max Bench Press Reps 135/75

1min. Rest

Rest 3min. (Including the 1min.) Then;

4 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

400m Run

Max Deadlift Reps 225/155

1min. Rest

Rest 3min. (Including the 1min.) Then:
RX+ is 185/95 Bench and 275/185 Deadlifts

Score is Reps of bench and deads combined

Keep Solid Control on ALL reps. Don’t rush the movement Please.

Metcon (No Measure)

100 reverse sit ups.

If you can hold an 8/5lb db between your feet, give it a try!