Goliath 7.6


Goliath 7.6

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Back rack lunge (5×5)

Taken out of the rack:

5 reps on each leg. Take your time and do not rush the movement. Climb to the heaviest weight you feel comfortable hitting today.

Soon as you finish your set complete 10 Hip Thrusts below.

Then Rest 1-2min. and repeat.

Hip thrust (5×10)

With your back on a bench or box, be sure to drive your hips up and pause for 1 split second at the top of each rep. If you have never done these before, you may get some serious muscle soreness! Booty gains!! 😉

Climb to the heaviest weight you feel comfortable hitting today.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

16min. EMOM:

Min. 1) 15/12 Cal Row

Min. 2) 20 Wall Balls 20/14

Min. 3) Max Effort Pull-Ups

Min. 4) Rest
*RX+ is 20/15 Cal Row

*If you can, do the RX+, so that the minute rest feels needed.