Goliath 7.30


Goliath 7.30

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

15min. to get as far as possible…


Russian KB Swings 70/53

*After each set complete:

15 Wall Balls 20/14lb.

15 Cal Row

To be clear, the workout goes like this…

50 swings

15 Wall Balls

15 Cal Row

Immediately into;

40 swings

15 Wall Balls

15 Cal Row

and so on….

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

15min. of Straight Booty Work:

5min. of:

30sec. of Front Squats

30sec. of Rest

immediately into;

5min. of:

30sec. of Front Rack Lunges

30sec. of Rest

immediately into;

5min. of:

30sec. of Hip Thrusts

30sec. of Rest
Set-Up Stations and Pick a Weight for each movement:

135/95 or

115/75 or


*Try to move the whole 30sec.

*Pause for 1sec at the top of each hip thrust. (Use a bench, rogue brick, or box for support)