Goliath 6.12


Goliath 6.12

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Strict Press

Complete a few warm up sets, and then:

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x max reps

* In between sets, complete a set of 20 russian twists with the heaviest DB possible. (45/30lb.+)

*Try something a little heavier than last week!

*REMEMBER that strict press has ZERO knee bending.


Metcon (Time)

For Time:


Front Squats 75/55

7 Toes-To-Bar


Push Press 75/55

7 Toes-To-Bar
*RX+ is 95/65

* Goes like this…

Round 1:

40 front squats, 7 ttb, 40 push press, 7 ttb

Round 2:

30 front squats, 7 ttb, 30 push press, 7 ttb…

Round 3:

20 front squats, 7 ttb, 20 push press, 7 ttb… And so on…