Goliath 12.2


Goliath 12.2

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit


Thoracic Flow

Squat Flow


EMOM x 9 (3 sets)

1- 3-5 Behind the Neck Push Press *1 sec pause OH*

2-2 Behind the Neck Split Jerks

3-2 OHS @5321 *5 sec down, 3 sec pause, 2 sec up, 1 sec reset*

Snatch (12×2)


1 Halting Power snatch (2s pause below the knee)


1 Power Snatch (2s pause in your catch)

Ascending in weight.

Work on bending your knees, and stabilizing in that power position before you drop

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

7 min AMRAP

3,6,9,12, etc. Overhead Squat (115/75)

*200m run between sets*

Rest 3 min

7 min AMRAP

3,6,9,12, etc. Power Snatch (115/75)

*200m run between sets*
Scaling (Front squats)

Score is total reps, each run counts as 2 reps (1 per 100m)

I want you to focus on the movement today, and don’t worry about crushing yourself. It’s been an aggressive week thus far. Be smart, and peel back if you’re feeling beat up.