Goliath 6.11
CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
Get some good warm up sets in and get a good dynamic warm up going for these runs coming up.
5 Rounds:
5 Hang Power Cleans
immediately into;
5 Bench Press
immediately into;
400m Run
Rest 2min. After Each Round
*The weights are meant to be as heavy as possible for ALL rounds. However, some small jumps here and there are permitted.
*Run as fast as you can repeat! So that should be around 80-85% effort. Try and be within 2-3 seconds on each one.
*It’s VERY important to give your body days like this. You can’t be going HAM sandwich every single day. Have something left in that tank? Good! Bring it with you tomorrow 🙂
Extra Credit
Extra Credit and if time allows:
3-4 Rounds: (Bring sexy back)
10-12 DB Skull Crushers
immediately into;
1min. of Max Effort Double Unders
Rest 90sec.
25/15s are usually pretty good on skull crushers but you can do whatever works for 10-12 reps.