Goliath 2.22.21


Goliath 2.22.21

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit


2 Sets

50ft Single DB Overhead Carry (left)

10 Single DB Push Press (Left)

50 Single Unders

50ft Single DB Overhead Carry (right)

10 Single DB Push Press (right)


2 sets

5 barbell strict press

5 barbell push press

5 barbell push jerks

(Start at 45/35 then increase weight for set 2)

Push Press + Push Jerk (Total Weight)

Push Press (1 Rep Max)
Push Jerk (1 Rep Max)
Every 2 Min x 6 sets

2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk

Starting at 75% of your 1RM Push Press, aim to increase in weight each set

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


30 Shoulders To Overhead (115/75)

150 Double Unders

50 DB Snatches (50/35)
The goal for today is 1 round +. I want you to pick a weight you can complete the desired reps within 3 sets MAX, on both shoulder to overhead and DB snatch.

L3: (95/65) (100 Double Unders)

L2: (75/55) (90 seconds of Double Under Practice) (35 DB Snatches)

Masters: (95/65) (35/20)