Goliath 2.11.21


Goliath 2.11.21

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)

Gymnastics Practice- THIS IS NOT AN EMOM

8 Sets For Quality

Odd Sets (1,3,5,7)

10 Box Jumps w/step down (30/24)

6 Chin ups OR Ring pull ups

Even Sets (2,4,6,8)

10 Box Jumps w/stepdown (30/24)

10-20ft Handstand Walk
Complete Odd Set, rest 1 min

Complete Even Set, rest 2 min

Repeat until you finish 8 set

Scaling options:

Chin up:

we only have 1 rope, but you can sub 3 rope climbs for chin ups

Handstand Walk:

4 Wall Walks- (Strength/Coordination)

:30 Hold at 90 degrees on wall (Strength/Core Stability)

5 Strict HSPU (Strength)

10 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps (Coordination)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12/8 Cal Bike

15 Abmat Sit-ups
You should be shooting for 5 rounds here, move fast on that bike and recover your lungs on the abmats!