Goliath 11.5


Goliath 11.5

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Hang Power Clean (1×1)

Min 0-10

10 min to establish a 1RM Hang Power Clean

Metcon (Time)

Min 12-22

For Time

100 Cal Bike For Men

70 Cal Bike For Women
I want everyone to hit this as hard as they can!

I do not suggest sprinting hard from the get go on this, Think either interval sprints every 20-30 seconds or just 1 gross pace for the entire thing.

10 min will be more than enough time since the majority of you proved you can do 40/30 cal in less than 3 🙂

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Min 25-35


7 Toes-to-Bar

21 Russian KB swings (70/53)

7 Toes-to-bar

21 Sit-ups (Feet anchored on KB)