Goliath 11.17
CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
Every 3 Min For 5 rounds
10/7 Cal Bike
10 Toes-to- bar
3 Power Snatch (Climbing)
Immediately into:
Every 3 Min for 5 rounds
10/7 Cal bike
10 Toes-to-bar
3 Power Cleans (Climbing)
Scaling for today will be form work. Try 5 moderately light reps every round instead of climbing.
You can climb every round, or every other round, whatever feels good to you for the day, but DONT sacrifice technique for numbers. If you’re feeling saucy and want to find a max for the workout, go for it 🙂
*The only rest today is if you finish early during your rounds. This should take you 90 sec-2 min per round
Pick one:
1) 400m Double KB farmer carry (70/53)
2) Partner planks with 45/35lb plate. 1 min on 1 min off x4 rounds each
3)100 DB Russian Twists 35/25lb (left + right = 1 rep)