Goliath 7.31


Goliath 7.31

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

20min. running clock…

Run 400m

10 Power Clean and Jerks at 50%

Run 400m

8 Power Clean and Jerks at 60%

Run 400m

6 Power Clean and Jerks at 70%

Run 400m

4 Power Clean and Jerks at 80%

Run 400m

2 Power Clean and Jerks at 90%

Run 400m

Use remaining time to shoot for a 1 rep max
Numbers are based off of effort not 1RM. Once you hit 6 reps it should already start getting pretty spicy.

We haven’t run or done clean and jerk all week, so I would really like some big numbers on these. You may share bars.

Not feeling it today? Do 10 Every round with a light weight and just work on form.

Extra Credit

10min. EMOM:

Min. 1) Plank

Min. 2) Max Reps of Weighted Hanging Knee Raises 10/5lbs.

*Try to end your knee raises around 45sec. And be sure to get ALL those planks without breaking!