Goliath 8.28


Goliath 8.28

CrossFit Goliath – CrossFit


15 min

Mash psoas with softball

Banded stretch series on rig




Stretch/warm up hips/glutes

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

2 Rounds

Amrap 4

4 Clusters (135/95)

8 Toes-to-bar

-Rest 1 min-

Amrap 4

Max Cal row

-Rest 1 min-

Cluster Demo:

These are short Amraps with low rep counts. You should be able to move through the entire 4 minutes without stopping.

RX+ 10 TTB

L3: (115/75)

L2: (95/65) (Knee to armpit)

L1: (75/55) (V-up)

Extra Credit

Optional Extra Credit:

3-4 Sets:

10-15 Lateral DB Raises

immediately into;

10-15 Front DB Raises

immediately into;

10-15 Bent Over DB Raises

Rest 1min.